
7 Signs You Need to Switch To A New Personal Injury Lawyer

Injured man and his wife meet with a personal injury lawyer.

It is known that not all personal injury lawyers in Port St. Lucie FL are of the same caliber. If you want to win your case, you would like to hire the best personal injury lawyer Port St. Lusie FL even if it means you might have to spend a little more money in the transition. These are some of the biggest signs you must look for another legal representative as soon as possible.

Poor communication skills

If your current personal injury lawyer Port St Lucie FL fails to give you vital information about your case, you run the risk of losing everything to the other party. Whether it’s a lack of communication skills or if your current legal representative is hiding things from you on purpose, it’s a bright red flag you must not ignore.

Lack of Support

If you feel like you are not supported in your case and it is hard to reach the personal injury lawyer Port St Lucie, it’s time to look for a replacement. No matter how good the reviews might be about a certain lawyer, you as a client should feel safe and secure while the case is being processed. Your lawyer should make it on time to your settlement meetings and should make time for you if you need consultation.

Inappropriate Behavior

If the legal counselor is acting crass or behaving inappropriately and you are beginning to feel insulted or even harassed, you must, by all means, change your lawyer. If you play your cards right, you might even be able to fire the said lawyer without paying a single cent simply because you felt taken advantage of.


Are your calls left unanswered? Does it take weeks for your lawyer to email back to you? It might be a sign that you are not a priority, or the lawyer is handling too many cases. It can also be a red flag that the lawyer is too preoccupied to give your case the attention it needs. It might be time for a transition.

Left in the dark

Suppose you have ever had to attend a settlement procedure without any consultation with your lawyer beforehand and you felt blind about your own case. In that case, it’s time to change your lawyer. It is the obligation of your lawyer to inform you about the important components of your case, at least, and how you can act to win it.

Cheap or discounted legal service

Legal firms may sometimes provide promotions and cheaper legal advice. However, if the price is too good to be true, it could be a sign that they do not value their own skills. The best lawyers know what they are worth and won’t be selling themselves short. In exchange, you will be given top-notch legal counsel.

Negative reviews online

It’s always a good idea to check out the legal firm’s Facebook or Twitter page. This can offer you a wealth of information as to how well or how badly they represent their clients. If you see numerous bad reviews, it’s time to look for another firm.

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