
Folding Tents: Uses, Types And Advantages


The use of folding tents for the celebration of any event, party, promotion is becoming more frequent and constantly growing. Using the google trends search engine, we can see how a lot of people are requesting information about commercial tents for sale, which is a clear indication of the growing interest.

Regular Uses Of Folding Tents

Folding tents are a type of tent that usually has multiple applications. They can be used for events, fair exhibitions, catering services, promotional or product information stands, points of sale, private use for a garden, etc. More and more people are betting on its use, thanks to the advantages they offer compared to non-folding tents.

Types Of Folding Tents

Taking into account the disposition of the canvas over the tent, we can differentiate some types of folding tents:

  • Opaque wall: Used for parking or catering when you do not want anyone outside to see what you are doing inside as well as being protected from inclement weather.
  • Wall with windows: Provides an ideal exterior vision, as well as light.
  • Split wall: Ideal for stands or information booths where you can interact from inside the tent with those who pass by.
  • No wall: The tent is bare, only to provide shade in the space it occupies. 

Especially to these last two types of folding tent, attractive visual effects can be applied, such as trims to hide the legs or waves for the canvas.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Folding Tents?

It is logical to think that if people bet more on using folding tents, it is because there are many advantages that they can bring you. Below, we will highlight some of them:

  • Easy assembly:  In most cases, no qualified equipment or assembly tools are required, as there are no loose parts.
  • Very fast installation: It requires a matter of seconds to stretch the tent.
  • Simple transport: Once folded, the folding tents take up very little volume, which makes them very easy to transport.
  • Customizable: Thanks to the customization on the canvas of these tents, you can get an advertising space for the company.
  • Permits:  Does not require special permits for assembly.
  • Location:  Thanks to their small size, they are suitable to be used both in a small private garden and in a public space.
  • Image:  A clean design and a careful image of the folding tent can add prestige to your brand.

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