An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is a legal structure that one needs to follow upon before starting any kind of business operation in New York. Forming LLC in New York is a must if at all you are a business owner and a need to limit personal liability for both business debts and lawsuits.
- The first step involves choosing the right name for your LLC. Name availability can be checked by going through the business name database as stored in the New York Department of State Division of Corporations.
- The second step involves submitting your name and address with the Department of State to receive the required legal papers on time.
- Setting up an LLC in New York State involves filling the Articles of Organization with the State Division of Corporations. The articles should include the LLC name, the county under which it is said to be located, the New York address to receive legal documents, a valid signature of the LLC’s organizer, and the proper name and address of the Articles filer.
- To attain LLC in New York, one must submit a written operating agreement. This agreement can be processed within ninety days after submitting the Articles of Organization.
- Once the Articles of Organization turn effective, two newspapers copy must be published by the LLC, or notice must be sent related to the new LLC formation.
Windsor Corporate Services has a team of experts who shall take you through the LLC formation process as a hassle-free one. Visit their website to clear your common queries at bay.