
What are the Signs You Need New Shelving Racks in Your Business?


When you are scrambling every time that delivery of raw materials comes in your factory or supplies facility, what do you think is the problem? Is it because you are not prepared to receive supplies, or do you have problems with storage? Being in retail or in any industry that provides mountains of suppliers to clients and consumers, stockout or having items that are out of stock is an impactful problem to avoid. The losses caused by a stockout are substantial. However, to any problem, there is a solution.

You may think that purchasing more in-demand products is the most direct solution to prevent it, but what you might be forgetting is what happens after you order beyond your capacity. As much as you want to meet the demand of your clients, you must be strategic in your business processes. There will be consequences if you do not think about what solution is the best for every problem. When it comes to preventing stockouts, you should invest in more storage solutions, such as purchasing stainless steel shelves and getting another warehouse facility. Why? You can receive more products and provide more products to your clients!

Whether you own a grocery store or you are a product supplier of various online stores in Singapore, you must understand the contents of this article. Here, you will learn about the importance of having a shelving system. It may help you regain focus on what has been out of your sight. Most importantly, you must know about the signs that will tell you if you need to upgrade and invest in more shelves in your business! Continue reading to further understand the role of shelves to business owners like you.

Why is Shelving Important in Business?

Proper organisation is what a stainless steel rack from Singapore suppliers promises. Knowing and investing in the correct storage and business shelving unit can help any company, store, and employee organise work items such as products, tools, and essential documents in an efficient, easy-to-access manner.

To know more about its importance in any unique conditions of a workplace, here are some reasons why you should put shelving in your priority list:

Maximise the space you have

When you are starting a business today, you may think that the only essential thing to have is a computer. Well, it is time to step back a bit and look into the future of your business. You may only be handling a few clients right now, but when your business grows, your cramped office space may no longer fit what you have and need.

If you want to make the most of your existing space, investing in a quality shelving rack from Singapore will help you achieve a neat and spacious office space!

Add more storage capacity

No customer wants to hear, ‘Sorry, we are out of stock.’ If you want to provide them with what they need, maximising your storage capacity is a solution. As mentioned, adding more shelving storage units can help prevent stockouts.

What makes these shelving racks stand out is that they are inexpensive and easy to install. Many providers would offer you units that are suitable for your office spaces and find you a way to incorporate them into your day-to-day business operations!

Gives an aesthetically pleasing appeal

Among the many functions of adding a stainless steel rack in your Singapore offices, you might have never thought that it could make your space more appealing. When your employees work in uncluttered workstations, you are increasing their productivity rates. The more appealing the office, the more productive they get. Hence, it is a win-win situation for you as an employer and employees!

Being in the business for so long, you may already have invested in many shelving racks since you first started your business. One thing you may not know about your invested shelves is that they are prone to get worn out from everyday use or lack of maintenance. The good thing is that you can replace them before they become a problem. All you have to do is look for signs.

Signs that You Need to Invest in New Shelves

Furniture and equipment have lifespans. If they go beyond their expected lifespans, you would be making money out of it, and it means you are a responsible owner. However, you are not fully in control of what may happen to them due to your busy schedule. Do not worry because you can catch signs of ageing when it comes to shelves.

As early as now, you should inspect your shelves carefully to know if you need to replace them with a sturdier design or a perforated stainless steel table to make the most out of your working space. Here are some signs to watch out for:

It is starting to rust

Rust is iron oxide, and it is common to iron-containing materials. Though these types of materials are not bad, using them for a long time is not worth your money since they are susceptible to corrosion. Rustin is one of the most common types of corrosion, and it has a number of effects on metal objects. Essentially, it makes them weaker and potentially dangerous to human skin.

When you start to notice rust forming in some areas of your current metal shelves, you should look for stainless steel shelves. These are manufactured with rust-preventing materials, and they even come with protective layers as a shield to damaging elements such as saltwater. Thus, you should put them on your to-buy list!

It is giving out a foul odour

Wooden shelves are vulnerable to bacteria and germs that can permeate their porous material that causes awful old-smell odours. If they have been kept in an environment where there is lots of moisture and other smells in the surroundings, it is likely the reason it is giving out that smell. Though there are ways to get rid of it, you would want to save those times for keeping the business in operation.

When you buy a stainless steel table in Singapore, you should go back to the seller and enquire if they also sell stainless steel shelves. With metal shelves, you can completely erase the possibility of smelling another water-damaged wooden shelf. Maintaining these shelves is not as time-consuming as a wooden one, so they are worth your money!

Your workplace is lacking organisation

A cluttered workspace can have negative effects on one’s mind. In one research, seeing multiple stimuli present in the field of vision can compete with retaining attention. As an employer, it is important that you create spaces that are productive and clutter-free to help your employees perform better. It will start by having an organisation.

An office space that lacks organisation is in dire need of storage solutions and sturdy working spaces, such as a stainless steel work table in Singapore. When you have these in order, you can prevent the triggers that affect your employees’ working performance. To start arranging a better, cleaner workspace, invest in more shelving racks!

Things get lost all the time

The last thing that you want to happen is files and folders getting lost from all the clutter. Even when you invest in IT solutions that include storing essential data on a secured network, you should never forget to protect physical copies of those data. The country is still on its way to complete digitalisation, but as you wait, you must learn how to prevent lost items in your workplace.

Everything would be at reach when you purchase a stainless steel table from Singapore, but what would even make it more accessible is install a stainless steel shelf for everyone to store and get important documents. Not only would you be complying with the privacy laws, but you would also create a more efficient system in storing and locating files!

There are supplies scattered on the floor

Floors can be toxic to many items, including clothes. There are harmful chemicals found on the surface of the floors, especially after a special cleaning. Not to mention, it is also a shelter for bacterias and germs. Placing your products on the floor can pose health risks to the customers who would receive them, and it may even be a cause of lawsuits.

You have to start training your employees in the proper storage of your supplies or even meals you prepare for your hotel guests. By getting a stainless steel rack with wheels, you can ensure that all of your products are 100% safe and clean to use or eat. You can sleep soundly at night knowing that you are doing well in managing your supplies!

How to Maintain Your Stainless Steel Shelves?

Purchasing storage solutions is not the end of the solution to all your problems. You still have to maintain your stainless steel shelves to get an ROI on your purchases. To do that, here are some tips that you could follow:

Schedule preventive cleaning

To avoid any hassle in your busiest months, you should have a scheduled preventive cleaning for your shelf and stainless steel table in Singapore. This summer is a perfect season to have those cleaning appointments, or you could do the cleaning yourselves. As long as you have commercial metal cleaners, you can ensure that your shelves will still have their stainless steel finish!

Watch out for rust

It is important to remember that stainless steel is not completely immune to corrosion. Under unique circumstances, your stainless steel shelving racks can become corroded. There are about five factors that your newly invested racks start to develop rust.

Strong chlorides, such as salt, can cause extreme pitting corrosion to your shelves and even your stainless steel work table imported from Singapore. To avoid that, you can apply a specialised coating to prevent direct contact.

Do not attach different elements on the shelves

Whether by accident or not, corrosion can happen when your shelves come in contact with plain iron or steel. You must also know about the mild contaminants that can damage your new assets. As soon as your shelf comes in contact with:

  • Dirt deposits
  • Inks
  • Oils
  • Adhesives
  • Water scale

You must remove and clean the surface that it had touched. To ensure that you are using the right cleaning products for your stainless steel shelves, you should contact your supplier. You may never know; they might even give you a free cleaning product to help you out!

If the stains did not come off, consider professional cleaning, or better yet, invest in new ones.

Avoid placing them in extreme temperature environments

In your business, do you need to store products at high temperatures? Most exterior uses of stainless steel will perform well with regular rainfall. However, many have recommended cleaning the surface once or twice a year, particularly after the rainy season.

In seaside environments, you must also receive yearly cleansing. The use of mild detergent and warm water is highly recommended. Then, rinse thoroughly and repeat. Performing this simple task will keep the stainless steel alive for years. As much as possible, only place them in environments where they can handle.

Investing in Shelvings Stainless Steel Shelves

Among the maintenance tips you have read above, the best way to ensure that your shelves would live a long life is to purchase them from a reliable supplier. A trustworthy supplier would provide you with the high-quality shelves that your business needs. Thus, making every dollar for your purchase worth it.

In Shelvings, you can choose from a wide variety of stainless steel products. From their shelf to their perforated stainless steel table, you can get it from them. Living up to their name, they specialise in providing shelving solutions that business owners and homeowners swear by. Hence, you can trust that they will give you the best and sturdiest shelves that you need for your business and day-to-day operations.

If you want to enhance your office space or factories, you should go to to shop their shelves right now!

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