
How to Register Your Partnership Firm in India


The procedure to register a partnership firm in India is not too cumbersome. Read more to know the full process on how to register your partnership firm in India. Registering your Partnership Firm in India is a process that can be done with relative ease. To register a partnership firm in India, you’ll first need to fill out the necessary paperwork. The application process is made up of two parts: Form-A and Form-B. Form-A needs to be filed by at least one of the partners. Meanwhile, only one partner needs to fill out Form-B. After completing these forms, you’ll have to deposit Rs.10,000 with the Registrar of Firms before they’re ready to issue your certificate of registration. The process to register a partnership firm in India is not difficult, but it does require careful attention. The registration needs to be done by an authorized partner. After completing the application form for registration, the partner must submit six copies of the form along with its prescribed fee to the Registrar of Firms within 30 days of signing it.

Partner Rights and Duties

In a partnership firm, each partner has rights and duties of his or her own. The partners have a joint responsibility to run the business and equally share profits and losses. They also have the right to unrestricted access to all company information. However, a partner can be removed on default or for misconduct. A partner is defined as a person admitted to the partnership with the consent of all partners for certain specific work or share in the rights and duties of the partnership. A จดทะเบียน หจก may be admitted without becoming a member on condition that he is admitted for some purpose or work only, not as a member. However, any partner can be admitted as a full partner without giving consent by any other partner.

Partner’s Responsibilities

You must prepare a list of documents required for the registration process. For instance, you will need your personal identification proof and proof of residence. If you are a partnership firm, all partners must sign a declaration appointing an authorized partner to represent them in the proceedings before the Registrar. A partner in a partnership has the following responsibilities:

Partnership Dissolution

If the partnership has been dissolved, then the Act of Partnership shall be forthwith terminated. You can dissolve a partnership in India by either a dissolution decree from the court or by the death, insolvency, bankruptcy, incompetence, expulsion of an individual partner. In case of expulsion of a partner, the partnership shall continue with the remaining partners. A partnership is legally dissolved in India after the expiration of three years from the date when it came into existence or, if any one of the partners dies within the said period, on the expiry of six months after his death. Dissolution can be initiated by all partners at any time in writing in accordance with Section 27 of the Partnership Act, 1932.

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