
What Are The Benefits Of Continuing To Use Electricity


The use of alternative sources for energy generation is expanding worldwide. The reasons range from environmental concerns to greater energy security. But most sources generate electrical energy, which is essential for human life.

Electricity which can be independently manages by e360 power for instance is responsible for lighting, heating, and using various equipment; we’re not just talking about home appliances or electronics. Electric vehicles, for example, are a worldwide trend. Although in most countries like Brazil, for instance, this technology is still in an embryonic stage, electromobility is already a reality in several countries.

Do you want to know more about the importance of electrical energy and generating sources? So, keep reading our article!

Discover The Sources Of Electricity

Electricity which can be managed by e360 power for example reaches homes and other properties through transmission networks linked to producing plants. The main form of electric energy production is through hydroelectric plants, which work from large turbines, moved by the action of water.

In times of scarcity of water resources, the alternative adopted by the country is thermal plants, which generate electricity from the burning of coal or fossil fuels. Although this form of generation is not sustainable, since burning generates polluting gases, until now, it has been the most viable option for individuals.

However, given the environmental concerns and the need to preserve air quality, new forms of energy generation emerge.

The capture of sunlight, for example, can generate electricity through the photovoltaic effect. In the same way, wind energy (produced from the movement of turbines by the wind) also generates electricity.

In addition to these generating sources, other forms of electricity production are being tested in the country, such as biomass and biomethane. These solutions are sustainable since the sources are renewable (sun, wind, or waste) and have the advantage of not emitting polluting gases into the atmosphere.

Thus, except for generation from the burning of hydrocarbons, it is possible to say that electric is sustainable and does not cause damage to the environment. Even hydroelectric plants, whose works in many cases cause inconvenience to vegetation and the riverside population, are considered clean since there are no polluting emissions.

In addition, it is essential to highlight that electricity is essential in the modern world. Without electricity, it is not possible to heat environments, refrigerate food, provide thermal comfort, among other actions.

Thermal Energy

Using the shower as an example, there is a substitute source for electricity. This is thermal energy produced from the capture of sunlight. For this, the property must install solar panels to capture the insolation and have a thermal reservoir to store the hot water.

This technology depends on the presence of sunlight. The panels, which capture the light, contain an internal pipe through which the water to be heated circulates. Afterward, the hot liquid is stored in a thermally coated reservoir, called a boiler.

Although this system reduces electricity consumption, it is worth noting that the installation is not entirely independent of electricity. The thermal reservoir must have an auxiliary system that guarantees the heating of the water. In most cases, this solution relies on electricity.

In addition, the investment for installation is high and depends both on the space available (usually on the roofs) for the panels and on the local insolation. In places with low solar incidence, the viability is lower.


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