
AccessiBe and Its Mission to Make Web Accessibility a Business Reality to Everyone


As per the laws of the ADA and the WCAG 2.1 guidelines, there is a legal mandate on all businesses and companies, irrespective of their size, to make their websites accessible to everyone, including people with physical disabilities. Businesses had to hire web developers to make web accessibility adjustments to their sites in the past. This affair was time-consuming and costly, coupled with the site maintenance costs too.

Large corporations primarily had their own web development teams to work with site accessibility issues, but small business owners, ina bid to save money, attempted to do the job themselves. This did not resolve the problem, and they were subject to penalties and unwanted litigation for web accessibility non-compliance issues even of one mistake.

AccessiBe is an innovative solution to both large and small businesses when it comes to fixing and making adjustments for web accessibility on business sites. This solution is empowered with the latest artificial intelligence technologies that make it faster and more convenient to arrest web accessibility issues online.

The mission of the company


The company, founded in 2018, believes in the mission to make web accessibility possible for everyone by 2025. This is why the professional team of experts here is working on several different aspects together. They are building and introducing platforms that will boost education, awareness, automation, training, and technology. However, their top-most priority is to ensure that everyone, irrespective of the skills, budget, and knowledge, can participate in this global inclusion of making sites accessible with user-friendly tools to everyone. In short, they want to ensure every company gets the highest levels of business reality when it comes to their web accessibility needs.

Remediation and educational platforms launched for web accessibility

Besides their goal to make web accessibility a business reality by 2025, the creators have built two platforms for users who are interested in the complex subject of web accessibility. The first platform focuses on the remediation of web accessibility issues and offers developers, project managers, and designers the tools they need to optimize web accessibility on their sites.

The second platform focuses on users who wish to know more on the subject of web accessibility for various reasons. This platform is more of a learning hub to help one know about web accessibility in detail. The learner can take lessons at his/her own pace and get access to lectures, videos, tests, quizzes, and much more. The lessons have been created and designed by experts in the subject of web accessibility with inputs from users with physical disabilities.

AccessiBe can be used by any site virtually for enhancing web accessibility. The technology in this solution has been developed as an affordable and simple one for small businesses to make their websites ADA compliant. However, this company has become a leader in the automated web accessibility world with the passage of time. The AI-empowered solution rescans the site every 24 hours after its initial remediation to make sure all the adjustments and updates in the content are accessible and compliant.

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