
Tips for Organising Your Wardrobe for the Summer


Clothes hanging in wardrobeAs the weather turns warmer, those winter clothes need to be retired for some lighter summer garments. While you are going through your wardrobe to store your winter clothes, you might want to take the time to give it a makeover. Organising your wardrobe is not the big task that many think it is and there are a few simple tricks and tips you can use to make this easy.

Hang It Up

You might find that you have a lot of scarves, belts and accessories depending on your style. These items look great when you have them on, but they will make your wardrobe look very untidy and make it harder to find what you want. Additionally, when they are not stored correctly they will become tangled and you will face a nightmare when you want to wear them. To make life a bit easier, you should get some shower curtain rings and place them on a coat hanger. You can then hang all your belts, scarves and accessories leaving them tidy and easy to access.

Summer vs. Winter

The amount of clothing you have will play a large role in how organised and tidy your wardrobe is. If you have a lot of clothes that are stuffed into a small space, you are going to get disorganised and cluttered. This does not mean that you should be getting rid of some of your clothing. Of course, if you have clothes that you never wear, you should look at donating them to charity.

But if not, then the best option is to split your wardrobe into summer and winter categories. The season-specific clothing you have can be vacuum-packed and put in self storage Hemel Hempstead when not in use. This will free up space in your wardrobe which will make it easier to organise. A side benefit is that your clothing will not be as creased.

Get Some Draw Dividers

Drawers are where your socks, underwear and bras end up and where some of them never escape from. If you are keeping multiple types of clothing in a draw, it is easy for them to become jumbled. The best solution is to get some drawer dividers which will help you keep everything organised.

You can buy these dividers online, but if you are handy, you could make them yourself. All you need is some old shoe boxes that you can cut up and slot together. If you find yourself tight on space even with the dividers, you can store the clothes that you are not going to wear very often. Vacuum-packing them is recommended because it reduces odours and moisture which leaves them clean and fresh.

Beat the Creases

Creased clothing is a nightmare, particularly when you need to dress quickly for work or a special occasion. If you want to avoid a crease along the leg of your jeans, you should hang them up by the belt loops on an S hook. This will stop them from creasing and will save you a bit of space in your wardrobe.

When it comes to your shirts, you need to do some prep work to avoid creases. You should ensure that the shirts are all hung on your clothes line with pegs. Doing this uses gravity to remove most of the creases caused by washing. Once the shirts are completely dry, you need to hang them on plastic hangers that have thicker shoulders.

Know How to Fold

Knowing how to fold your clothes correctly is a skill that a lot of people lack. However, learning to fold properly will help you organise your wardrobe and keep all of your clothing looking fresh. There are some unique folding techniques that you can use which provide more space in your drawers and will allow you to see exactly what you have. There are some tutorials on YouTube that you can look at including one from Marie Kondo.

The essence of the technique you should consider is to store your clothes in a line after you have folded them. All of the clothing should be facing up and this ensures that items do not get lost in the back. Once you have the technique down, you will find that everything is easier to organise.

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