
Everything You Should Know About Biotech Companies In Order To Purchase Chemical Reagents


Cell culture applications and extraction and isolation kits are all required to conduct studies at molecular levels. Due to the high demand of such reagents and products, many companies claim to be high-end manufacturers and suppliers of such products. That isn’t the case though. Developing high-quality non-toxic stains is a very delicate procedure. Thus, you should be very careful while choosing a Biotech Company to buy reagents.

Wondering how to find out if a biotech company is worth your money? If you’re still going through the guide, it means you are. So, just follow the guide below to find the answers.

What Makes A Biotech Company a Pioneer in Manufacturing and Supplying Reagents?

A selective few companies like IVMBiotech.ca have the following distinctive features that you must look out for.

  1. Quality Of Reagents

Whatever the source of the chemical reagents, what it shouldn’t be is radioactive. IVM Biotech takes the initiative to remove toxins from the reagents. In other words, the sources should be eco-friendly.

  1. Quality Check and Quality Control

Good companies are all equipped with the latest cutting-edge machinery that helps in the manufacture of high-quality chemical reagents.

Forbye, they always check every individual sample for quality before shipping it to the clients.

  1. Affordability

Every good biotech company will always keep affordability in mind. However, the decline in prices shouldn’t come at the cost of quality compromise.

  1. Easy Customer Support

This is one of the most basic services that determine whether or not to deal with a company. A good biotech company must have the following features.

  • They should have an email ID as well as a phone number that you can use to contact them whenever needed.
  • They should be available to provide assistance of all kinds until the order is delivered.
  • They should provide you with a quotation.
  • They should have experience in the field of producing chemical reagents. So, do not forget to check the number of clients they have had.

These are a few features that will help you in making a choice. That being concluded, you should also have a look at our list of top 5 picks for 2020.

  1. Cell culture applications that include mycoplasma detection Kit and cell transfection kit at IVM Biotech.
  2. PCR applications like DNA ladders, safe fluorescent DNA Ladders, and safe fluorescent loading dyes.
  3. Extraction kits like lysosome and nuclei isolation kit and protein extraction kit.
  4. Western blot applications like Premix SDS-page gel solution, primary antibody affinity-enhancing buffer.
  5. Chip and EMSA kits like Non-radioactive EMSA kit and standard chip kit.

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