
A Quick Guide to Caravan & Motorhome Insurance and Repairs


Australia is a suitable location for caravan or motorhome enthusiasts. If you love to travel and stay adventurous, a caravan drive through the length and breadth of Australia will offer you the ultimate satisfaction. This beautiful country, especially Perth, is home to beautiful beaches, vibrant towns, exotic wildlife, and many other attractions.

The golden-sunshine weather makes it an ideal destination for caravan and motorhome rides. The alluring charm and beauty of this country leave a lasting impression. All these aspects motivate numerous Australians to purchase caravans and motorhomes.

Be Careful about the risks and uncertainties

Your caravan or motorhome road trips are one of the best ways to explore the stunning beauty and attractions in Australia. This type of road trip offers the best comforts of home. However, you must be careful about the risks and uncertainties.

When you are on the road, you should take the necessary steps to stay safe. Unexpected incidents may spoil your trip. You must buy a suitable motorhome or caravan insurance package to safeguard your interests. Reliable insurance plans offer the best protection against motorhome or caravan repairs and other accidental incidents.

Caravan Insurance – A Harmonious Blend of Home and Car Insurance

A caravan is not only a vehicle you travel but a home where you stay during your trip. So, you can find many similarities between caravan insurance and home insurance. The best way to describe a motorhome or caravan insurance package is the perfect combination of car and home insurance.

You can come across two caravan insurance options in Australia. The first option is comprehensive mobile coverage for motorhome or caravan travel within the country. The second option is the on-site insurance coverage plan when your vehicle is stationary or located in a nominated site.

Is Towing Included in Caravan or Motorhome Insurance Plan?

Towing is essential for caravans because they don’t have an engine. Motorhomes do not need towing because they have an engine. That is why most insurance companies offer different policies for motorhomes and caravans. You can also find insurance plans that provide the same insurance policies for both.

Third-party green slip’ insurance is a must for a proper vehicle like a motorhome. A caravan does not come under the category of a proper motor vehicle. So, third-party insurance is not compulsory for this mobile home.

What does a Caravan and Motorhome Insurance Package Cover?

The hazards covered by a caravan and motorhome insurance package can be divided into three categories, Core Comprehensive Insurance, Extras, and Specific.

Core Comprehensive Insurance

This category covers hazards due to the forces of nature, including hail, storms, and floods. It offers protection against fire, accidents, and human acts like vandalism and malicious damage. The Core Comprehensive Insurance also safeguards you against third-party incidents like liability for damage to property and other vehicles.


The extra category comprises many features of the car and home insurance packages. It covers car hire, emergency medical treatment, replacement of stolen keys, and rekeying of locks. Other notable coverage features include:

– Towing and storage expenses

– Protection of your belongings, furniture, awnings, annexes, and other contents available in the motorhome or caravan

– Interim arrangement for accommodation where the vehicle is unsuitable for living in

– Extra coverage of legal liability


You can add something specific on request to your motorhome or caravan insurance package. Most insurers offer flexible solutions to address the unique requirements of each client.

Vital Things to Consider when Choosing a Caravan and Motorhome Insurance Package

Check the Coverage Features Carefully

The best policies always cover furniture, valuables, make-shift accommodation, other possessions available in the motorhome or caravan, medical and legal liability, and annexes.

Look at the Limits

You should check what all things are excluded from the package. Every insurance cover comes with its own limitations. Firstly, you need to assess the value of your items. Then, analyze the insurance coverage limitations to decide whether the coverage meets your needs perfectly.

Evaluate the Value of the Policy

If you want to buy an insurance package for a realistic price, you must have a clear idea of the value of your caravan or motorhome. It is necessary to create a systematic plan for your caravan trip. A better understanding of the price and your road trip makes the process of choosing the right insurance plan easy. You can seek the help of a local dealer or a personal adjuster to get the actual value of your vehicle.

Analyze the Sum Insured

Never undermine the importance of sum insured. The market value of your motorhome or caravan determines the total amount you are covered. If you have a custom-made caravan or motorhome, you can negotiate with your insurer to have an agreed value that safeguards the interests of both parties.

Insurance Coverage for Repairs

The best insurance plans cover the expenses needed for caravan repairs Perth during your road trip. When you have caravan repair issues to be solved, you can make an insurance claim to meet the expenses.

For a flood or fire-related damage, you should contact the Emergency Centre. It is necessary to submit a report to the police if you have suffered theft or vandalism. When you get in touch with the insurance company, you should hand over all details, including the date and time of the incident, the name of the police officer, and the contact information of the witnesses and victims.

The next step is to contact a trusted repair workshop to receive an insurance repair estimate. The repair works can be begun once the insurance company accepts your insurance claims. Reliable and reputed companies that offer responsible caravan repairs will get the job done efficiently to restore optimal functionality and get you back on the road.

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