
Concise Management Services San Diego Protecting You Against Unfair Debt Collection Amidst Tough Times


When you are faced with unending debt and tough financial times, getting frequent phone calls from creditors or credit collectors can add an insult to the injury. Did you know that as a debtor you are protected from illegal collection practices under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA)? While some people already know about this important law, they seem reluctant to invoke it to help them at a time when they have trouble paying off their loans. With the current health crisis proving extremely challenging, especially because people have no cash flows, staying on course on your loans can prove extremely difficult.

Concise Management Services San Diego is one of the companies whose existence is to help bring this law to reality by protecting consumers from creditors and credit collectors from harassing them. As a company that has a firm understanding of the provisions of the law, Concise Management Services is committed to helping people to have peace of mind as they struggle to find funds to pay off debts.

When people do not know their rights, lenders tend to take advantage and treat them unfairly. Fortunately, your rights are well protected when you work with the team at Concise Management Services San Diego. They will invoke a series of actions to stop any form of unfairness on the part of your creditor. First, they will help to stop the unlawful listing of your account with a Credit Bureau. One of the most powerful tools under the Act is the right of the consumer to demand that the collector proves your personal responsibility and the accuracy of the account balances. Concise Management Services is here to help you exercise this fundamental right so you are not blacklisted illegally or unfairly.

The whole idea behind the above aspect of the law is to invalidate some debts that end up on your name illegally. There are many incidences where people who end up being harassed yet they successfully completed settling their debts. In this case, their credit scores end up in ruins simply because the lender of the credit collector did not validate the account balances or reconcile their records. This is where Concise Management Services come in to help validate the account balances and ascertain that indeed a consumer has a financial and legal responsibility to pay the debt in question. Regardless of the state in which you live, Concise Management Services has wide experience handling similar situations across states. However, they have focused on helping San Diego residents deal with these stressful experiences.

While the FDCPA applies in cases where for instance a credit card turns the account of the consumer over to a credit collection agency, the same Act does not apply where the credit card company itself is trying to contact you to collect its debt from you.

Whether a credit collector is using emails, phone calls or any other method to harass you, Concise Management Services will swing in and stop them from doing so. According to the FDCPA, harassment constitutes but not limited to:

  • A person yelling at you or calling you all manner of names over the phone
  • Calling you so many times daily or
  • Calling you very early in the morning or during late hours

You retain the right not to talk on the phone if you do not wish to talk to a debt collector provided you let them know why you do not want to. For example, you can let them know that they are either too loud, abusive or simply that you have nothing to pay up. If in any case, your collector is harassing you, the know they are violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and so you should contact Concise Management San Diego who will send them a “Cease Communications Letter” asking them to stop it and allow you time to organize how to pay them.

If you’re facing challenges with debt collection in New Jersey, consulting a debt collection lawyer NJ can offer invaluable assistance. These legal professionals specialize in navigating the complexities of debt recovery within the state’s legal framework. From negotiating with creditors to representing clients in court proceedings, debt collection lawyers provide tailored solutions to individuals and businesses seeking to resolve outstanding debts efficiently. With their expertise, they can help protect your rights and achieve favorable outcomes in debt-related matters.

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