
Going Solar: 3 Pro Tips for Using Solar Power Energy


If you own one of almost half of the homes in the United States still using natural gas, you know the dire news. Heating your home will cost 30% more this year, so there is no better time to consider switching to solar.

Yet, to get the most out of using solar power energy, you will need a few tips to get started on the right foot. You are making a significant investment at first.

But with solar, you can reap big rewards if you know how to use solar power energy best. Keep reading this brief guide to using solar power energy like a pro. Here are three ways to get the most out of solar.

1. Get Maximum Exposure

You might know that solar panels will still collect energy with indirect sunlight. Yet, if you position panels for the most sun possible, your output will increase from using solar.

Most often, solar panels get installed on the roof of your home. So choose areas where the sun reaches for the longest part of the day. The roof should also have a good angle pointing at the sun.

It’s also crucial to avoid spaces where shade from other sources will interfere. For example, you might have trees or taller structures near your house. A shadow cast indicates less direct sunlight when the sun moves behind them.

You may need to choose another area for installing solar power energy in your home. If possible, remove any impediments to getting direct sunlight.

2. Regular Maintenance

Keeping your solar energy panels in top condition doesn’t have to be expensive. Help maintain high efficiency when using solar power energy with regular cleaning. Panel cleaning is an easy seasonal job if you are handy around the house. 

Dust can build up on solar panels and reduce the output by up to 7%. The same holds for debris such as falling leaves covering your solar panels. Even if your area gets a fair amount of rain and wind, particles can accumulate over time.

Your solar panels can last for 25 to 30 years if you keep them in the best condition. So schedule regular maintenance to keep them clean and operational.

3. Install With Professionals

For many, installing solar power energy seems like a simple DIY project. But one of the best tips for using solar power energy correctly is to rely on experts.

Professional solar providers near you know how to use solar power energy best. An experienced installer takes all the guesswork out of positioning your solar panels. Solar providers will also help you plan a schedule for maintaining the most output.

Solar Power Energy for the Future

As fossil fuel prices continue to soar, more people turn to solar power energy every day. The benefits to the environment and our books pocketbooks are undeniable.

Yet, getting the most from using solar power energy begins with good planning. So if this article gave you tips for using solar power energy better, come back here for more great insights.

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