
How to choose the best clipping path service?


In Photoshop, a clipping path is a vector graphic that describes an object, as a trace around its edges. Clipping paths are generally used for one of two purposes: clipping an object or wrapping text around it. However, one of the most common uses is to entirely omit and change the image background. The clipping path revolves around the product, which can then be placed on another background or saved as a transparent image. Cropping product images is also known as etching.

Why outsource to a Clipping Path Service?

Creating clipping paths or layer masks for making image cuts, is a time-consuming job. It is a repetitive and boring job, which can turn e-commerce retouching into a bottleneck, although it is a very necessary activity. Fortunately, the clipping can be outsourced. If you hire a professional clipping path agency online, you will save money and time. As a result, you can be more creative, focus on your core activity, think of marketing campaigns, etc. In short, you will have much time to focus on your business, leaving the work on the hands of the experts. The worst photo cropping services will cost you more than money. They will also cause you to miss deadlines and cause endless headaches.

Is outsourcing clipping path service costly?

You can either select price per image package (as low as 0.50 $ USD), or a basic package, such as 1 to 100 images, 100 to 500 images, or 500+ images. However, the package must suit your requirement. Look at the total cost of operation. If your purpose is to save time and grow your product lists faster to sell more, you need to think about on boarding, management, lead time, scale and quality. There are many empty promises when it comes to clipping path outsourcing. Before you entrust your clipping to a subcontractor, you need answers to the following questions –

  • How am I giving instructions?
  • How are clipping paths drawn?
  • When and how will I get my images back?
  • Is there a quality guarantee?
  • What communication methods are available?
  • Who are you working with already?
  • Can the service scale with my needs?

If the clipping path service cannot provide satisfactory answers to the above questions, you should not outsource them. However, a professional clipping path service can charge you as low as 0.50 $ USD.

How are the clipping paths drawn?

There is plenty of software available online, but most of us have no prior experience. An automatic clipping path will save a lot of time, which in turn reduces the price, but comes at a cost. Many solutions are very similar to the magic wand tool in Photoshop: it is fast, but works best with high-contrast images, and can be inaccurate near the edges. A hand-drawn clipping path will take longer, but will be much more accurate. The best clipping path services will give you the choice between automatic routes and hand-drawn routes on one level per image, so you can manage cost and quality.

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