
MailChimp vs Constant Contact: Which Should You Use?

Businessman drawing E-mails concept on blurred abstract background

If you’re involved in marketing, you’ll know that email marketing is still one of the best ways to connect to your customers. You’ll also most likely have heard of or used either MailChimp or Constant Contact. 

These two tools have ruled the roost for going on 20 years in the world of email marketing. But which is better?

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages but is there a clear winner in the battle of Mailchimp vs Constant Contact? Keep reading to take a look at which of these is the best email marketing platform.

MailChimp vs Constant Contact – An Overview

MailChimp is the biggest online marketing tool on the web, with an impressive 11 million active customers. This means that the total number of people reached by MailChimp emails is around 4 billion. Yes, you’re almost guaranteed to have received an email sent by a company or service that uses MailChimp.

Constant Contact has actually been around for longer—it was founded in 1995 and while it doesn’t have as many customers as MailChimp, it is still a successful company with an estimated $360m in revenue according to Owler. 

Features and Functionality

There is a lot to be said for simplicity, and Constant Contact does this well. MailChimp, however, is a comprehensive service, offering advanced tools such as MailChimp Omnivore which constantly screens your email list to protect your business from abuse.

MailChimp also offers more in the way of automation, which is an important feature of any marketing tool.

Winner: MailChimp’s innovation gives them the lead here.

Creation and Design

Both platforms give you the option to create beautiful customized emails. While Constant Contact has more templates to choose from, MailChimp has more customization options and so is a little more flexible in what you can actually create with it.

MailChimp also allows unlimited storage of images while Constant Contact has a 2GB limit. It does however have a gallery of stock images which MailChimp doesn’t offer.

Winner: MailChimp wins this again thanks to its customization options.


Whether it’s using social media to send targeted emails or accounting information to send budget-sensitive offers, the ability of your marketing tool to integrate and work with other platforms is very important for your marketing campaigns. 

While MailChimp has significantly more integration options than Constant Contact, the search function is rather clunky. The Constant Contact search function is far more user-friendly.

Winner: The ease of use of Constant Contact wins here.


MailChimp has a free service which would be sufficient for many but also has several paid options depending on the reach of your business and features required. The most popular package starts at $14.99 per month.

Constant Contact only has two pricing plans at $20/45 per month and no free option.

Winner: MailChimp has a package to suit any budget.

Who Is the Overall Winner?

MailChimp vs Constant Contact: the battle of the email marketing tools seems to be a rather one-sided contest. Constant Contact does the simple things well and is priced reasonably, but MailChimp seems to have all bases covered in terms of functionality, design, and pricing options.

Our clear winner here is MailChimp. 

For more information and advice on topics like this, check out the marketing section of the website.

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