
Non-Invasive Carpal Tunnel Surgery



Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common compression neuropathy and it affects almost 12 million Americans and up to 7 percent of manual labor employees. Over 500,000 carpal tunnel releases have been performed by orthopedic doctors in the United States to treat patients with severe or refractory symptoms. The primary goal of carpal tunnel release would be to transect the transverse carpal ligament to lessen median nerve wracking and thereby relieve pain, numbness and tingling, and enhance function.

Traditional open carpal tunnel orthopedic release surgery, or (CTR), is safe and effective, but can be associated with comparatively large and sometimes painful scars, pillar pain and a protracted recovery course provided by our orthopedic doctors. In comparison to open CTR, endoscopic CTR results in improved early postoperative outcomes, but it’s a more expensive procedure and carries a greater risk of transient postoperative nerve disorders.

Because of continued advancements in orthopedic ultrasound technology, our doctors and clinicians are increasingly incorporating ultrasound into their practices. Currently accessible ultrasound machines can image structures smaller than 1-mm in size in real time, thus providing new opportunities for image-guided procedures. Our doctors have successfully implemented CTR using ultrasound guidance with superior patient outcomes. Ultrasound-guided CTR can be performed via a minimally invasive incision which has been demonstrated to facilitate patient recovery. If you’re thinking that this might be the right operation for you contact one of the doctors in Saratoga Springs or even Lehi.

Patient Results

Patients may start immediate wrist and hand movement and resume normal activities as tolerated. No splinting or opioids are prescribed. Orthopedic therapy is supplied per individual preference. Most patients take only a couple of acetaminophen pills and/or NSAIDs over the first 12 to 24 hours for soreness. Nearly all patients return to normal activities within 24 to 48 hours with patients returning to preprocedural actions by 7 days postoperatively. Many of our patients have reported relief of pain and numbness as early as the night of the procedure. 1 patient claimed this process was significantly better than their previous encounter with mini-open CTR on the contralateral wrist. Our orthopedic technicians and doctors are highly trained and always looking for the best option for you every step of the way.

If you’ve got carpal tunnel syndrome and are thinking about a surgical process, our Saratoga Springs doctors’ micro-invasive ultrasound-guided carpal tunnel release may be right for you.

Advanced Orthopedics is a group of orthopedic doctors that perform non-invasive carpal tunnel surgeries and several other procedures.

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