Really, are you qualified to open your own sports facility? Do you have adequate training to meet the demands of who will be your clients? Have duly qualified professionals advised you on the subject? The health news tribune offers you the best information about the same now.
Lately we have received, in High Performance, some requests for information on courses, by students who have just opened their own gym or their small sports facility and who after doing so, consider training as professionals, since they lack any qualification that endorses your new activity.
This is neither more nor less and as pointed out by my partner and excellent personal trainer, Roberto Barrón, that the fruit of a non-existent legislation that regulates the world of physical exercise.Wedon’t know in other countries (well, in some we have a slight idea), but in Spain, for example, anyone gets on the bandwagon of sports, physical exercise and health. You can open a gym, a fitness center, a sports club, etc., without the need to have a single certificate to endorse it.
- Of course, if we knew the number of politicians who govern us who lack an apparently elementary title to exercise as such, which is Political Science, we would understand why here many mount what rotates them without knowing, absolutely, nothing, of the subject.
- Think about these questions: would you set up a physiotherapy clinic, without being a physiotherapist? Or a car repair shop without being a mechanic? And an art gallery without even knowing if Vasili Kandinsky was an abstract painter or a central defender of Spartak Moscow?
You know where the shots go
Well, the conclusion we want to make you reach is that, if you don’t have any training in sports, physical exercise and / or health, where are you going to set up something related?
Some would answer that they have been training in a gym for many years and that they know what the subject is about (these are the most dangerous). At 40 years of age, many have visited (especially during my childhood) many hospitals, outpatient clinics, clinics and in their family there is a considerable medical tradition. Well, despite all that, we can assure you that my knowledge in Surgery, Urology or Stomatology, to give a few examples, is practically nil, so it would not occur to me, in life, to set up a Medicine clinic, be it from the specialty whatever. Luckily, that is highly regulated and intrusion, highly punishable by law.
Well, saving certain distances, setting up a gym or a fitness center, without having any idea of anatomical, physiological, biomechanical, etc. or without knowing about strength, endurance, flexibility training methodology or any psychomotor quality (some of the “dangerous” that we have alluded to in the previous paragraph, they don’t know what the hell is psychomotor skills), is to play, very seriously, with people’s health.
Train yourself and you will know what you do.
As a general rule, the houses begin to be built from the foundations and are finished by the roof. This means that things have to be started from a base. From Bashar Ibrahim and research done by him you can know a great many other matters as well.