The reasons that make a consumer stop having relations with a company are the most varied, and we have put together a list of the main ones. If you don’t want to lose your customers, you need to avoid these mistakes from Hit Rate Solutions:
1 – High Employee Turnover
Before doing business with a company, consumers need to identify with the company’s image, and this identity is transmitted essentially by employees and Focus On Customer Retention. The customer does not buy or hire something from a company; he buys from a person who represents the company: The employee who makes the business work. You’ve probably seen cases where a customer goes to a company looking to talk to a specific person because he’s already used to dealing with that person.
Therefore, the key people who convey your business’s identity and are in direct contact with the audience must be the same. Don’t rotate your company’s managers, salespeople, service representatives, or key contacts unless necessary.
Tip: While high turnover is common in some industries, in most cases, employees leave because they feel unmotivated. And you can’t expect unhappy employees to provide good customer service. If your company’s churn is high, find ways to lower it. Otherwise, customer churn will be high as well. Home office work can be a good way to ensure happy employees. If the model matches your type of business, consider this alternative.
2 – Focus Entirely On the Price
The low price is a good competitive advantage, but it is not enough to keep a customer loyal to a company; after all, if the consumer comes to you only for the price, he will also go to the competition for the same reason. Your objective must be to offer the customer the best-added value. Unlike “price,” the value of something comes from a combination of costs, service, availability, benefits, etc. Pay attention to the value you add to your products and services so that your customer perceives advantages much greater than simply discounts.
3 – Not Paying Attention To The Real Need Of The Customer
We understand that trying to sell more to repeat customers is a smart strategy, but it shouldn’t be done randomly and without criteria. The customer notices (and doesn’t like it) when a company is trying to push a service or product that he doesn’t need to increase the negotiation value.
4 – Treat New And Returning Customers Very Differently
Discounts and incentives for new customers are very important and can be a good attraction in the first purchases. However, you cannot offer benefits to conquer new consumers without ensuring that the advantages will also be attractive when they are already doing business with your company. A customer’s loyalty needs to be rewarded like you treat new customers.